How to Maximize Online Sales with Dynamic and Standard Remarketing

by Dec 22, 2021

About the Google Display Network & Remarketing

Google’s Display Network reaches approximately 90% of internet users worldwide, 94% of US internet users. 64% of these users are reached daily. Remarketing via the Google Display Network is an essential pillar of any digital marketing strategy. It allows you to reach previous website visitors wherever they are on the internet. We will be discussing two types of Google Display Remarketing: standard and dynamic.

What is standard remarketing?

A brand can show responsive or static display ads to past visitors to your website while they browse other websites and apps on Display Network. These ads include headlines, descriptions, images, and other visuals that are hand-selected to convey a specific message to the advertiser’s target audience.

What is dynamic remarketing?

Dynamic remarketing allows you to display ads to previous visitors to any product or service they have viewed through your website. The advertiser cannot choose which images, headlines or descriptions are displayed to users. Instead, dynamic remarketing is tailored to each user’s individual behavior.

What is Standard Remarketing?

Google Ads standard remarketing is the most common form of remarketing. Standard remarketing involves sorting website visitors into lists according to their activities on your website. You could use these common methods to sort your website visitors:

  • All Website Visitors – This is your largest remarketing list.
  • Product Page Viewers: Visitors who accessed your site’s product pages to find out more about a product.
  • All Purchasers – Visitors who have purchased products from your site.
  • Product X Buyers – These are visitors who bought a specific item from your store.
  • Cart Abandoners: Visitors who add an item to their cart but don’t complete their purchase.

Different audiences have different levels of intent. A cart abandoner, for example, is more likely to purchase your product than someone who just visited your site and didn’t take any action. These users will need to be able to see our ads in a different way. Standard remarketing can be a great option. Standard remarketing ads let advertisers tailor their messaging to the user’s current level of purchase intent.

You might display ads to people who have visited your pages. This will highlight your brand’s unique features or solve a problem. This type of remarketing is useful for keeping your brand’s name in mind so that they remember you when they make a purchase.

Perhaps your goal is to increase conversions with your remarketing campaigns. You could target people who have purchased your deodorant or body wash products and send them an ad about a product they are interested in, such as sunscreen.

Brand loyalty is important, and targeting those who already love your brand is a great place to start when looking to drive conversions at a low cost-per-acquisition.

Perhaps you just launched a new product. You want to ensure that all customers who have purchased from you previously are aware of it so they can make a purchase. This is where you can tailor your messaging as shown below.

Standard remarketing should always be used for businesses because of its ability to target the right audience and tailor messaging to the user’s needs.

Dynamic Remarketing: When should you use it?

If users visit your website to research products and services, but do not convert, Dynamic Remarketing can be used to show them the products they are interested in as they visit other websites on the Google Display Network. These ads can be used to tap into an old interest or rekindle an older one and drive conversions for users who are actively interested in your products.

A product feed is required to create dynamic remarketing ads in Google Merchant Center. After creating a basic,.tsv or.xls feed, you can connect it to your Display Remarketing campaign via the campaign’s settings.

The Google Ads product recommendation engine pulls these products from your feed. It then determines the best mix of products based on popularity and what your visitor has viewed on your website. Google Ads predicts the best dynamic ad layout for each person, place, and platform.

Dynamic Display Ads have been shown to work best when there are many products and variations. Dynamic Remarketing is not likely to be very beneficial if your brand sells only 1-3 products. If your brand has more than 10 product variations, Dynamic Remarketing can be beneficial. The ability to show ads featuring the products that a user is interested in becomes extremely powerful.

Dynamic remarketing ads can have some potential drawbacks, such as:

  • Google has less control over creative – Although advertisers have some control over which products they allow to display on dynamic remarketing ads, Google determines the order and layout of the products.
  • They don’t provide much message – As you can see, dynamic display ads do not offer much messaging. Dynamic display ads might not be the best choice if you need to communicate a message to a particular audience.
  • These are less effective for branding campaigns. If you want to generate general brand awareness and consideration, then it is likely that you will need more control over your messaging and creative.

Use Dynamic and Standard Remarketing to Maximize Sales

There are certain situations where dynamic remarketing is better for a brand than standard remarketing. To maximize your potential to upsell, cross-sell, recapture and drive consideration from website visitors, it is essential to use both dynamic and standard remarketing.

Dynamic remarketing is a great way to re-engage users who have viewed your site’s product or service pages. It uses their past behavior to determine which products they are most likely and best to engage with. Standard remarketing is best for delivering a message, building awareness or highlighting a product. It allows you to have more control over your creative, messaging, and ensures that the right person is reaching them at the right time with the right message.

You might consider adding remarketing to your Google Ads strategy. Effective ad-remarketing has helped hundreds of brands grow, and we can help you do the same. Get a strategy session for free today!